Lamport の論理クロック

Lamport さん自身のページ (in microsoft research) の中で、自分の論文についてコメントを付けてあるので、論理クロックの論文についての箇所をいくつか読んでみる。

まずは、Einstein の特殊相対論に影響をうけたことについての箇所。

The Writings of Leslie Lamport
I happen to have a solid, visceral understanding of special relativity (see [4]). This enabled me to grasp immediately the essence of what they were trying to do. Special relativity teaches us that there is no invariant total ordering of events in space-time; different observers can disagree about which of two events happened first. There is only a partial order in which an event e1 precedes an event e2 iff e1 can causally affect e2.

特殊相対論のしっかりとした、本能的な理解に偶然たどりついた。[...]特殊相対論は、時空で起きるイベントについて、不変の全順序が存在しないことを教えてくれる、異なる観測者は、2 つのイベントのどちらが先に起きたかについて、食い違っても良いのだ。そこには、半順序しか存在しない、それは イベント e1 が e2 に因果的に影響を与えるときに限り、e1 は e2 に先立って起きるというものだ。


The Writings of Leslie Lamport
It didn't take me long to realize that an algorithm for totally ordering events could be used to implement any distributed system. A distributed system can be described as a particular sequential state machine that is implemented with a network of processors. The ability to totally order the input requests leads immediately to an algorithm to implement an arbitrary state machine by a network of processors, and hence to implement any distributed system. So, I wrote this paper, which is about how to implement an arbitrary distributed state machine. As an illustration, I used the simplest example of a distributed system I could think of--a distributed mutual exclusion algorithm.

